
  • 本周六12月7日,上课地点改在 Wootton High School. Address:2100 Wootton Pkwy, Rockville, MD 20850. ⚠️ Wootton Parkway上有Speed Camera, 提醒家长们行车过往时注意慢行。
  • 12月14日是本学期最后一次课,在RMHS上课。2025学期春季学期1月4日开学。
  • 2025年春季学期注册报名正在进行中!早鸟优惠12月24日截止。请各位家长尽早完成2025年春季学期的注册报名,同时鼓励在网上完成付费。凡是在12月24日前完成报名并付费的,减$20注册管理费,网上注册系统会自动减免$20。12月24日后只报名但未付费的不再享受$20早鸟优惠。 Online Registration for 2025 Spring semester is OPEN! $20 early registration discounts will be applied if you register & pay before 12/24/2024. ACS Rockville 2025 Spring Registration Link:https://acsrockville.ptboard.com/
  • 🔥🔥🔥2025春季学期三门副课新课介绍🔥🔥🔥
  • 学生舞蹈基础班:家长舞蹈班的热门老师潘秀老师将在新学期开设学生舞蹈基础班,欢迎有兴趣的孩子们咨询和报名!
    • 招收对象:6-8岁的学生
    • 上课时间:每周六下午1:00-1:50
    • 课程内容:舞蹈基本功训练,舞蹈组合与曲目排练,定期参与舞蹈演出。本课程从基础入门,循序渐进地培养孩子对舞蹈的兴趣,提升舞台表现力与综合舞蹈素质。同时通过舞蹈的学习,让孩子在艺术氛围中感受中华传统文化的魅力。
  • 中学数学竞赛专题选讲 Topics on middle school math competition
    • 招收对象:5-8年级的学生
    • 上课时间:每周六下午4:00-4:50
    • 课程介绍:本课程将介绍中学数学竞赛(包括MOEMS、Mathcounts、AMC 8/10)中常见的各类专题和技巧,涵盖代数、组合、概率、数论及几何各个方向。课程内容将包括专题讲座与课堂互动讨论,旨在激发学生对数学的兴趣,从而让学生更自我推动的去准备数学竞赛。该课程适合五年级至八年级,准备参加数学竞赛的学生。Course Introduction: This course will provide an in-depth exploration of common topics and strategies in middle school math competitions, including MOEMS, MathCounts, and AMC 8/10. It will cover a range of areas such as algebra, combinatorics, probability, number theory, and geometry. The course will include both lectures and interactive class discussions, with the goal of sparking students’ interest in mathematics and helping them more self-motivated to prepare the competition. This course is suitable for students in grades 5 through 8 who are preparing for math competitions.
  • K-Pop舞蹈班 K-Pop Dance for Beginners 
    • 招收对象:学生年龄不限
    • 上课时间:每周六下午5:00-5:50
    • 12/14, 5PM 在cafeteria公开课,欢迎感兴趣的家长同学们参加!
    • 课程介绍:专为初学者设计,无需任何舞蹈基础,只需带上你的热情和对音乐的喜爱!在这门课程中,你将学习基础舞蹈技巧,增强自信和协调能力,分步骤学习并掌握流行K-Pop歌曲的编舞,提升节奏感、灵活性和舞台表现力,通过动感的舞蹈风格,感受K-Pop文化的魅力。课程结束时,你不仅会掌握几段精彩的舞蹈,还会在舞动中更加自信地展现自我。 让我们一起开启舞蹈之旅,像K-Pop明星一样闪耀吧!Are you ready to step into the vibrant world of K-pop and learn some of its iconic moves? This class is designed for beginners who are passionate about dancing and want to experience the energy, style, and fun of K-pop choreography. No prior dance experience is needed—just bring your enthusiasm and love for music! In this class, you will learn foundational dance techniques to build confidence and coordination, break down and master choreography inspired by popular K-pop songs, and also improve your rhythm, flexibility, and stage presence. By the end of the course, you’ll not only know some amazing dance routines but also feel more confident expressing yourself through movement. Let’s get started and dance like a K-pop star!